ST. Theresa’s T L C Home -Sanathnagar

ST. Theresa’s T L C Home -Sanathnagar

ST. Theresa’s T L C Home -Sanathnagar

S.No. Details Information
1. Name of the Convent / Institution ST. Theresa’s Tender loving care home
Sanathnagar, Hyderabad – 18
2. Date and year of Establishment   1999
3. Name of the  registered Society
/ address
St. Theresa’s Convent Society
Sanathnagar, Hyderabad – 18
4. Mission of the Convent/ Institution Medical, Education ,Social, College of Ng.-
M.Sc., B.Sc., and  GNM
5 Email


Life is God’s greatest gift to mankind. One of the most wonderful sights we can hope to see the world is that of a healthy and happy child. Each and every child is a promise, a promise that what is best about us will thrive, and what is wrong can be made right.

Rapid growth and phenomenal increase in the population of the world, the number of unwanted and abandoned children has also increased in every nation.

The solution of their personal salvation and the health of the nation is the same, namely abandoned children into family units in the early years of their life. And the realization of this fact is what prompted Sr. Theresa Maria to start the St.Theresaa’s Tender Loving Care Home.

Originally started in 1986 for taking care of abandoned children, the Tender Loving Care Home, attached to St.Theresa’s Hospital, has become an adoption center for children. Ten years later,  in September 1996 the Home received a License for inter-country adoption. During that time 70 children adopted by Indian parents and 56 children were adopted by foreigners, 62 children left behind at home were girls with 25 dedicated staff to take care of them.

The newly constructed, centrally air-conditioned building for the Home, perhaps the only one of its kind in the country was inaugurated by the first Lady of the State of Andhra Pradesh, Dr. Haripriya Rangarajan, on 20.01.1999.

The heart and soul of the Home is a band of dedicated staff and selfless and committed volunteers whose untiring efforts keep the Homegoing always in high spirits.

The home continued to take great pains to provide a secure environment as well as the necessary love and care in bringing up the children in a socially and psychologically well-adjusted atmosphere. In this effort, the Home has generous benefactors even today joining hands together.

Many children who landed in the Home had problems of one type or other, but with untiring efforts and constant care they are healthy today and it is the smile on the children’s face, the glint in their eyes and the prayer that they can look forward to love, understanding and a bright future, which drive us ever onward in our endeavor to care for the abandoned children.

Till 2014, girls got the opportunity to go for adoption and many of them went for adoption. But 9 of the girls could not go for adoption, now TLC HOME is taking complete responsibility of these girls by educating and giving all round development for their better future.

We thank God for His wonderful deeds till the end.