S.No. Details Information
1. Name of the Convent / Institution

Jesus Mary Joseph Social Service Society,


2. Date and year of Establishment Reg. No: 396/2004   Date: 26-03-2004

Name of the  registered Society /


Jesus Mary Joseph Social Service Society,

H.No: 2-86, Fatima Convent,

Christianpally, Mahabubnagar, 509001 T.S.

4. Mission of the Convent/ Institution Social Apostolate



Jesus Mary Joseph Social Service Society (JMJSSS), Mahabubnagar, a Catholic Religious Minority Organization with its Head Quarters in Hyderabad.

JMJs are identified with Social Apostolate right from the inception of the Society. The Charism, an Ever Adoptable Apostolic Availability, bequeathed to the JMJs by our Founder Fr.Mathias Wolff S.J., opened new vistas for us to launch out to the Social Apostolate as per the signs of the times. No doubt, if we review the Social Apostolate as was practiced at the start of the Society, it is very different from what it is today. However, one thing is clear, the target group is always the poor, needy, oppressed, voiceless and marginalized. JMJs can proudly say that the Social Apostolate is carried on in different ways, in different places, to different needs and wants of the people.

Vision and Mission

The activities of the JMJSSS are inspired and based on the Word of God and social teachings of the Church.  In the words of Pope Paul VI, it must envisage the whole man in all his aspects right including his openness to the absolute, even in the divine absolute (F.N33) social work is part and parcel of the church’s mission and its objective is the upliftment of human person in all dimension.

Today Social Apostolate is carried on a more organized way in the JMJ Society.

1982: The first JMJ Social Service Society was established in Nallapadu in Guntur Dist.(A.P). It was registered under AP. Registration Act of 1860.

1984: The Society formed a team of members consisting of

Sr.Bertilia Govindu

Sr.Hendricia Konreddy

Sr.Bhagyamma Akkam

Sr.CecilyVarghese Perekadan

1987:  The single JMJ Province was divided into three autonomous Provinces in the year 1987.

  • Bangalore Province
  • Guntur Province
  • Hyderabad Province

Then onwards each Province is planning and executing the Social activities according to the place and felt needs of the people.

1996: The integrated Social Service Society was started at St.Theresa’s Hospital, Sanathnagar, Hyderabad.

Sr.Julie Plackal initiated the women groups at Achampet area in a year 1995. With the help of two co-ordinators she has started the savings with the collaboration of Balavikasa.

During the course of time the senior sisters came around the view that the neglected areas in the state like Mahabubnagar Dist., with the Tribal population, need our services more than place like Hyderabad. As a result of this thinking, our pioneering nuns took steps to establish JMJSSS in Achampet, in the year 1995 with Balavikas and SLF activities. Our Society (JMJSSS) Mahabubnagar was registered as a branch of our head quarters Hyderabad. Later in 2004, we shifted our Head Quarters from Achampet to Fatima Convent, Mahabubnagar, as we had to face a lot of inconveniences in transportation and communication, with various activities within the Center situated in Achampet. Now JMJSSS is functioning in a  well-established building with all least infrastructure and manpower undertaking varied activities for the welfare of the neglected Tribal and Dalit girls and helpless women.

Our focus of attention in all these activities is the Vulnerable/Poor/Tribal/Dalit girls, who are in moral danger by ongoing economic developmental activity and skilled Training in a way to rehabilitate them from their pathetic condition. The activities undertaken by us are listed below.

During the course of work with the poor tribal women,  we realized the dire need to take up activities, which redress their problems of economic, educational and social in nature.  At present JMJSSS is engaged in carrying out the family activities.

During the course of work with the poor tribal women,  we realized the dire need to take up activities, which redress their problems of economic, educational and social in nature.  At present JMJSSS is engaged in carrying out the family activities in the following areas:






J.K. Pally (Krishnapuram)


  1. To empower women and raise their status to acquire gender equality
  2. To motivate women to respect their own gender
  3. To work towards the protection of rights and privileges of the children
  4. To liberate the marginalized from all types of discrimination
  5. To humanize globalization
  6. To collaborate and network with other organizations
  1. To study the issues related to women
  2. To develop a positive image and self confidence in women
  3. To conduct awareness programs
  4. To study and collect statistical data of the children under 14 years
  5. To identify and adopt the lifestyle of the marginalized
  6. To motivate and mobilize people to have a clear knowledge of their rights privileges and duties
  7. To study and collaborate with NGO’s and GO’s
  8. To motivate the co-workers.
    1. CFCA (Care Foundation for Children and Aged)
    2. SLF (Lillian Stitches Fonds)
    3. Women Integrated Development
    4. Community based rehabilitation -Physically and Mentally challenged children (SLF)
    5. Child Labor Project
    6. Youth Guidance – Skill Training
    7. Community college
    8. Leprosy Patients and children’s care
    9. Prison Ministry
    10. The orphans Children (unwanted and abandoned)
    11. Street children (children deprived of love)
    12. Income generation programmes for women
    13. Non- Formal education
    14. Widows mite
    15. Hostel for working women
    16. Model Villages
    17. Skill Training (Computer, Tailoring)
    18. Residential Bed-side Nursing
    19. Spoken English Classes
    1. Saving schemes and Micro-enterprises
    2. Plantation of Kitchen garden
    3. Celebration of national festivals
    4. Aids day celebration
    5. International Women’s day celebration
    6. Tree plantation and celebration of Vanamahostavam
    7. Solidarity day celebration
    8. Leaders training and widows day celebration
    9. Cultural Programme
    10. Chali Vendram (Jaladanam)
  • Ashavaradhi
  • DRDA
  • Mepma
  • Tale sale

Sr. Julie Plackal                 –          2006 to 2009

Sr. Prakasahamma Kata    –          2009 to 2014

Sr. John Mary Vatti          –          2014 to 2016

Sr. Arogya Mary Madanu –         2016 to 2019

Sr.Sleevamma Kavali        –         2019 –

Accountant –  Sr.Paul Basani (2004 to 2009)

Sr.Elzinio Popuri (2010 to 2019)

Sr.Julie Plakkal, Sr.Celine Alapat, Sr.Prakashamma Kata,  Sr.John Mary Vatti, Sr.Sleevamma Kavali, Sr.Lourdu Mary Yerrareddy,  Sr.Sushila Narisetti, Sr.Margaret Ekka, Sr.Arogya Mary Madanu and Sr.Regina Parvatham.

Sanathnagar:   Mrs.Nirmala, Latha, Anuradha, Nagamani, Susheela, Vijaya.

Achampet: Mrs.Rama, Sudha, Uma, Chandrakala, Sridevi, Lakshmi, Kalpana, Thara,  Bhagya, Varalaxmi.

Koilkuntla: Mrs.Rameshwaramma

Peddakottala: Mrs.Nirmala.