Institutions - JMJ CONVENT- KATRA



Sl. No. Details Information
1. Name of the Convent JMJ Convent, Katra
2. Date and year of Establishment 08.03.1990
3. Name of the  Registered Society / Address A Unit of Society of Jesus Mary Joseph,


J M J Convent,

Katra Hospital, Mandla – M P 481 661

4. Mission of the Convent Health Care Apostolate in collaboration with the Diocese of Jabalpur, M.P.
5. Email

BRIEF HISTORY :1990 - 2019

The Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph started its Apostolate in the Diocese of Jabalpur in the year 1990. One of our Aims was to co-operate with the local Church authority in serving the sick and the needy of the place. The Management of Katra Hospital is the sole responsibility of the JMJ Community at Katra. This hospital was founded in the year 1960 by Dr.Rev.Fr.Vanscandle a great visionary, a Norbertine Missionary from Dutch Province, Holland. We, the J M J Sisters were invited by Bishop Theophane Thannikunnel O.Praem then the Bishop of Jabalpur in the year 1990. The agreement between the Diocese and the JMJ congregation originally executed on 22nd day of January 1990 for 5 years and the last renewal was done in the year 2019. Through this collaborative pioneering venture was started with 5 sisters, (Srs.Bapitsta Varickayanickal, Theresa Bellamkonda, Francis of Assisi, Diviya Joseph and Vincy Edathiruthikaran) at present we are only 4 sisters taking care of the responsibility of the Hospital.

During the past 29 years, the following Sisters were the Superiors of the community at Katra and also the Administrators of the Hospital:-

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