St. Theresa’s General Hospital – kurnool

St. Theresa’s General Hospital

St. Theresa’s General Hospital - Kurnool.

S.No. Details Information
1. Name of the Convent / Institution

St. Theresa’s General Hospital (Gosha)


2. Date and year of Establishment April  29th 1923

Name of the  registered Society/


St. Theresa’s General Hospital

Unit of Society of Jesus Mary Joseph, Sacred Heart Convent,Opp.children’s Park,

Kurnool 518001

4. Mission of the Convent/ Institution Health Care


In the beginning, sisters started in the Municipal Hospital at the request of the Municipal authorities.

The sisters felt the need of the hour to have our own Hospital to give better care for the poor and suffering humanity. Therefore the foundation for our own hospital was laid on 29th April 1923 the day on which Theresa of Child Jesus, was beautified in Rome. As a Mother and Child Clinic, we are popularly known as ‘ Gosha Hospital’

Hospital was well known for maternity and Obs, also medical, Surgical and pediatric cases.  As for the need of the hour, sisters took up various departments like Physiotherapy, training of Nursing Aids Counseling for HIV Aids patients and medical camps etc As the HIV patients numbers were increasing there was necessity to have a separate HIV aids centre, thus Care & Support Centre Shanthi Nikethan’ was extension from St. Theresa’s General Hospital in the year 22.01.2008 Sr. Martin Maliekal and Sr.Augustine Peters were pioneers for this extension.

The Old structure of hospital building was renovated from 2001 to 2005.  In 2011 ICU with necessary equipments was opened. We have Digital X-ray & C-yam, Ambulance for hospital and deferent Insurances like   Reimbursement, Star Health and HDFC and ROHINI.


In the footsteps of Jesus the Divine Healer we march forward together into the Future.

OUR GOAL: ‘Fullness of life for all’


  • To help bring ‘wholeness’ to broken humanity through solidarity and caring service
  • To serve the multitude of the marginalized people specially women, children and aged in order to lead them towards ‘fullness of life’