JMJ Physically Rehabilitation Centre-pedda kottala

Physically Rehabilitation Centre

JMJ Convent - Pedda Kottala

Date Details Information
1. Name of the Convent / Institutions J M J  Physically Handicapped Rehabilitation Centre, Pedda Kottala, Nandyal,  Kurnool
2. Date and year of Establishment 03-08-1995

Name of the  Registered Society:


Care of Physically Challenged and Health Care

JMJ Convent, ‘JMJ Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped’,   Pedda Kottala, P.O.

Nandyal – Kurnool Dist.   A.P. 518 503

4. Mission of the Convent /
Care of Physically Challenged, Health Care
And Boarding Home for girls
5. Email

A brief explanation about the JMJ Convent

Physically Rehabilitation Centre was started in 3rd  August 1995 for the poor handicapped children by Rev. Fr. B Marreddy and handed over the complete building to J M J sisters with all the facilities including Physiotherapy   Unit. Work started with three sisters – Sr. Helen Madanu, Sr. Josephtini Thekkekara and Sr. Bridgit Govindu.

Sisters did not stop with that, but started development with more facility. Like whole house was fixed by rail to hold and walk and to sleep good iron cot and beds.  The children enjoy learning, singing and dancing. The building is spacious with ample ventilation, acquit lighting facilities, systematic kitchen with well-equipped vessels, a head tank with uninterrupted water supply, rooms with attached toilets with proper drainage facilities, T V, VCR, fridge, inverter, water purifier, and a big play ground.

Boarding Home : In 2011, JMJ Boarding Home was established for the poor children of Kurnool Diocese.  In existing Building of Rehabilitation Centre for Physically Handicapped was converted to Boarding Home for Girls. The same year 20 Catholic girls were admitted in our Boarding, gradually it took root and started growing.

Sister in-charge takes care of their routine work and study.  Time to time sisters share responsibility of looking after students, physical, spiritual and psychological needs.