JMJ Institutions – Pedda Pendial

Institutions - JMJ Institutions - Pedda Pendial

JMJ Institutions - Pedda Pendial

JMJ Institutions - Pedda Pendial

Sl.No. Details Information
1 Name of the Convent /Institution JMJ Convent, Karunapuram,  Pedda Pendial

JMJ Junior College                    “

JMJ Degree & P.G.                    “

JMJ College Hostel                    “

2 Date and Year of Establishment JMJ Convent                     1997

JMJ Junior College           1991

JMJ Degree & P.G.           1997

JMJ College Hostel           1989 & 1992

3 Name of the Registered Society Society of Jesus Mary Joseph

JMJ Convent, Karunapuram

Pedda Pendial, Warangal Dist., T.S.

4 Mission of the Convent/Institution Education


For the Society of JMJ, Hyderabad J.M.J Junior College is one of the milestones in the apostolate of education. This is the first establishment of the Soc. of J.M.J in the Soc. of J.M.J in the Diocese of Warangal. An official invitation was extended to us by Most Rev.Thumma Bala, Bishop of Warangal  in November 1989, requesting if the Soc.of J.M.J Hyderabad Province would consider, the possibility of starting a Junior College for Girls in his Diocese, which in due course, could be upgraded into a Degree College.

At this juncture, the Diocese of Warangal generously donated to the Society J.M.J. 25 acres of land for the use of College. It was on 08.12.1989, the foundation was blessed by Bishop Beretta and laid by Sr.Benedict Melchers,  the then Superior General. On 16.07.1991, Feast of our Lady of Mount Carmel, orders were received from the Director of Board of Intermediate Education permitting the Society of J.M.J to start a Junior College for Girls in Karunapuram, Pedda Pendial from the academic year 1991-1992. In August 1991 when College started only the Hostel construction was complete. Till August 1995 both the College and Hostel were accommodated as a temporary measure in the Hostel.

The J.M.J Degree College was started in August 1997 both in Telugu & English Medium with Science, Arts & Commerce branches. In 2006 the P.G Courses – (Maths) and in 2008 (Chemistry). Girls College converted in to Co-Ed College in 2016 for the better development in the present era.



Hostel construction was taken up first, since the College is essentially meant to cater to the young girls coming from villages, Hostel construction was given first priority. On 16 January 1992,  J.M.J. Hostel for Girls was inaugurated by Rev.Sr.Benedict Melchers  the then Superior General and presided by Most Rev. Thumma Bala, Bishop Berratta and Rev.Fr.Columbo PIME.

The building is designed to accommodate as many as 500 girls, keeping in view the future developments. Till August 1995 both the College and Hostel were accommodated as a temporary measure in the Hostel. A full time Warden is in-charge and Sister staff is the Warden of the Hostel, who is responsible for their welfare and progress. Care is taken to provide the students with all amenities. Three fourth of the students are from the villages and reside in the Hostel. Beside secular education, much care taken both in the College and in the Hostel to give a Christian atmosphere and to impart value education based on the Gospel values and Faith Formation of Catholic children.

The Following Sisters were the Pioneers of this mission:

  1. Eleanora Chevva ( Superior & Correspondent)
  2. Vijaya Kommareddy (Principal)
  3. CecilyKallarackal (In-charge of office)
  4. Annie Kannampuzha (Lecturer)
  5. Vijaya Kumari Sure (Lecturer)