JMJ E.M. School- Madapuram

Institutions -JMJ E.M. School- Madapuram

JMJ E.M. School- Madapuram

JMJ E.M. School- Madapuram

S.No. Details Information
1. Name of the Convent / Institution J.M.J JMJ E.M. Primary School, Madapuram, JM Thurpu  Thanda, Devaruppula Mandal, Jangaon Dist.  T.S.
2. Date and Year of Establishment 10/03/2013
3. Name of the  registered Society/address Not registered
4. The mission of the Convent/ Institution Education – 7/1/2012
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Tribal Mission :Rev.Fr.Antony Samy svd was running a Feeder School at Madhapuram Church Campus to support the School run by svd Fathers as Kadavendi.

He approached our Provincial Council to take up the Mission at Madhapuram.  Our Provincial Council discussed on this matter and observed the need of the Mission. Then they decided to take up English Medium School to give quality education for poor and backward children in this area with low fee rates.

On 12th June 2012 JMJ Convent, Madhapuram (Thurpu Thanda) was started with its humble origin in the Church compound Sr.Annamma Palagiri, Sr. Rajeswari Paikhwar were the pioneers.   A small shed was put up to big in the education from L.K.G to class II. Our sisters were accommodated in Kadavendi in S.V.D campus in the Hostel. Sisters daily come from there and attended the school and went back by evening to Kadavendi.

JMJ Convent and school building, 1st to 5th  standard. was blessed by Rev. Fr. Antony Samy svd and inaugurated by Rev. Sr.Celine Alapat,  Provincial Superior,  on 10 March 2013.   Sisters entered  the new building having all the facilities needed for the community. We feel a family atmosphere in this community. We stay, pray and work together in our mission.

Our Vision

The children are liberated and empowered by Value-based Education and Selfless Service.

Our Mission

To mould our students into powerful human resources in society with all the abilities.


Love Joy Service


   “Be the change that you want to see in others”.