JMJ Convent – Krishnapuram

Institutions JMJ Convent - Krishnapuram

JMJ Convent - Krishnapuram

JMJ Convent - Krishnapuram

S.No. Details Information
1. Name of the Convent / Institution JMJ Convent, Krishnapuram (J.K.Pally)
2. Date and year of Establishment 24/02/2005
4. Mission of the Convent/ Institution Collaboration with Jesuit Fathers – teaching in the School,  Pastoral and  Social Work.

Brief description of the Convent / Institution:


Interior drought area, water scarcity, people need lot of support for the development of the village. ,


Jonnala kothapalli JMJ convent was founded in the year 24th –Feb-2005. It was mainly started to help the poor and the needy Catholics. Keeping in view of supporting the poor, Sisters started giving loans and formed self-help women groups to improve their economic status. The Children were given education with the help of scholarships and sent them for training to different nursing schools. The Sisters went to different villages to catechize them. To help the children in their education evening tuition centers were opened nearby villages by appointing local teachers.

Senior citizens were given food once in a week, and prayer service was conducted and clothes were distributed for X mas. Tailoring center was started to train the school dropouts and women. In the evenings sisters used to go to villages for house visiting and conducted prayers. We conducted eye – camp with the help of government medical persons and spectacles were distributed and operations were conducted. Later we shifted our community to Krishnapuram in the year 16th-May-2010 to work in the school and to continue our pastoral care along with the Jesuit priests.

During this Covid – 19 Pandemic, we distributed dry ration to the poor and the needy. We conducted prayer services and prayed for all those who are affected and also to bring awareness among the people to be safe and stay home.

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