S.No. Name of the school Year of Establishment Management Address

JMJ High School

(T/M), Achampet

I to V TM               1990

VI to X  TM           1994 – 1998

X     TM (closed)    2015 – 2016

JMJ Convent, Polishetttypally, Balmoor Mandal, Nagar Kurnool District, Telangna – 509376
2 JMJ English Medium School, Achampet

Nursery to II  EM   2012-2013

III to V EM             2013-2014

VI to X EM             2014-2019


–          Do  –

“Step into learn, step out to serve”

A new Chapter has begun in the history of Achampet. As the Yogi says “Thought leads to action, Action leads to achievement, Achievement leads to fulfillment.” This saying of the Yogi is fulfilled on 5th June, 1990 the day of completion of JMJ School at Achampet which was built by Rev. Fr. Carlo Bonivini an Italian by birth who called our sisters to take up the Education Apostolate in this area.

JMJ SSS which had its head quarters in St. Theresa’s Hospital, Hyderabad from its inception was shifted to Achampet in March 2003, a good move in a rural set up. The centre is monitoring the programmes community development of rural areas eradication of child labour, Bala Vikasa activities, HIV AIDS, the Disabled programmes, Bridge schools and Street children etc.

JMJ English Medium School, Achampet

Our Vision

Providing value-based and quality education for the Tribal and backward children around this area and also prepare individuals to help to develop their inherent qualities of head and heart for a better future.


Our Mission

To empower the marginalized of the society with emphasis on weaker sections and women. Through a process of awareness organizational and collective action for enhancing the social, economic, cultural and health status of the poor, women and children.

General Objectives

  • To empower women and raise their status to acquire gender equality
  • To motivate women to respect their own gender.
  • To work towards the protection of rights and privileges of the children.
  • To liberate the marginalized from all types of discrimination.
  • To humanize globalization.
  • Collaborate and network with other organizations.

Specific Objectives

  • To study the issues related to women
  • To develop a positive image and self confidence in women.
  • To conduct awareness programs
  • To study and collect statistical data of the children under 14 years
  • To identify and adopt the lifestyle of the marginalized.
  • To motivate and mobilize people to have a clear knowledge of their rights privileges and duties