
Inauguration of the International Spirituality center Sirumalai – 10.09.2019

It was a day of Rejoicing,

It was a day of thanking the Lord,

It was a day of counting the blessings,

It was a day paved path for deep union with the divine

With Hearts full of exuberance and joy we welcomed 10th September, the red-letter day in the annals of the newly formed JMJ congregation. To mark this historic event, International Spirituality Centre was inaugurated by Rev. Sr. Innamma Yeruva the Superior General of the Congregation and was blessed by Rev. Fr. Dennis Ponnaiah the Provincial Superior of the Jesuits, Madhurai Province. We are privileged to witness this blissful and sacred ceremony. Our joy knows no bounds as we have commemorated the triple celebrations:

  1. The foundation day of newly formed Congregation of JMJ
  2. The Inauguration of the International Spirituality Centre
  3. The first Anniversary of the four Indian Provincial Superior’s appointment.

To begin this remarkable event General council had arranged 6 days intensive programme on the spiritualityof our beloved founder Fr. Mathias Wolff and the congregation. We were 25 Sisters from four provinces to attend the seminar. The resource persons for the seminar were The General council Sr. Vijaya Udumala and Sr. Chandra Thaines.  The programme was very systematic, well planned, and organized. The theme for the course was Grow, Flow, Glow in the spirit of JESUS. It was very apt and meaningful to unravel and to unfold one’s call and purpose. The course has created a spiritual ambience, to nourish, to enhance, and to enlighten the roots and facts of the society of JMJ and the true Spirit and Charism of our founder. It was very informative, inspiring and intensive. We imbibed in-depth knowledge of the spirituality of our congregation through theological reflection and contemplative dialogue.  We were given ample time for the personal study and reflection on our documents i.e. Spirit and Charism, Sent by the Lord, Constitutions and Ravening Wolff. Interiorization of these documents brought new vigor and vivacity.

Spirituality is the way of life, it is a life

time journey, a forward journey in spiritual life brings vitality and vibrancy. It makes us to become an embodiment of all higher virtues. The sense of connection with the divine and aligness  to the individual spirit makes our living purposeful and meaningful .

We were enthused to learn more and more the richness of the congregation and in turn, it helped us to be further committed and Dedicated JMJ.

We express our deep sense of gratitude to our superior General Rev. Sr. Innamma Yeruva for arranging the course and we are thankful to Sr. Vijaya and Sr. Chandra for expanding our knowledge on our documents. We do express our Immense thanks to our provincial superior Rev.Sr. Tresa and council for giving us this great opportunity.



Today when the network and means of human communication unprecedented advances, we sense the challenge of finding and sharing a “MYSTIQUE” OF living together, of mingling and mixing of embracing one another, of stepping into this flood tide, while chaotic can become a genuine experience of fraternity of a caravan of solidarity, of a sacred pilgrimage.

It’s indeed noteworthy to know the glimpse of this Sacred Pilgrimage. Let’s get into the history of JMJ India then, you would come to know the hidden story behind this blissful moment.  It was Archbishop John Aelen who spoke to Sr. Seraphine Pullens (1875-1907) who was the then Mother General, and invited the sisters to India, explaining about the urgent need for nuns in the Eastern part of South India, which he knew so well, from his personal experience. By the time the JMJ Congregation was 82 years old since its inception and Sr. Seraphine was its fourth Mother General.

In 1903 Pope St. Pius X succeeded  Pope Leo XIII , during the Pontificate of His Holiness Pope St. Pius X, the seven pioneer sisters- Sr.Seraphique Kluten, Sr.Michaeli Schoten, Sr.Elizabeth Helsloot, Sr.Elza van de Helm, Sr.Lubuini, Debets, Sr. Xaverini Gijsmen-under the leadership of Mother Stanislaus Terwindt, set out for India on January 28th 1904. On February 19th 1904 the little band of missionaries reached the harbor of Bombay. They were met by the Dutch Mil Hill priest Fr. Houbaer, who welcomed them to their new country. In Bombay they were given shelter by the Holy Cross Nuns. From there they proceeded to their destination by train, after two days and two nights of journey, on February 24th they reached Guntur.

They were put up in one of the rented houses with minimum furniture and provisions. Though Vetapalem was their place of destination, due to some valid reasons their stay in Guntur was preferred in order to acclimatize them to the new environment. Mgr. Aelen and Fr. Merkens had a giant part to play in this process. They made them feel at home with the people, language, environment, traditions and culture.

On May 1, 1905 a house at Vetapalem has opened with four missionaries   Sr. Arnoldine van Bussel, Sr. Jaeqeline Beijers, Sr. Lubini Debits, and as the inmates of the convent.  Sr. Seraphine Kuchen was appointed as Superior of St. Mary’s Convent, Vetapalem. In course of the years Vetapalem proved to be unhealthy to live in, due to the menace of mosquitoes, incidents of chronic Malaria made it impossible for them to continue their stay in Vetapalem so after six years of service they were forced to shift to another safe place. Finally, they made a decision in 1911 to abandon Vetapalem and on May 11, 1911 they shifted to Nellore as a better place for their activities. In the years that followed Nellore proved to be a flourishing Centre for their philanthropic work.

However, as Vetapalem had prominence as one of the historical places in the Annals of JMJ, a strong decision came up to resume our services as a memorial of 175th Jubilee of our society. In February 2004 under the leadership of then Superior General Sr. Cletus and Sr. Lillian the then Provincial Superior, the community was started with Social Apostolate in Vetapalem. Yet there was some persistent desire to have some remarkable commemoration in the place where our pioneers lived and served the people of Vetapalem.  Thus, with the assistance of some elders of the village, the place was sited to erect SPOORTHI SMARAKA in loving memory of our four Dutch pioneer sisters as well as for the necessity of the patients who come to the Vetapalem Mandal  Primary Health Centre.


6th November 2019 is a spectacular day in the History of JMJ as the memorial of Spoorthi Smaraka was inaugurated. The day began with Holy Eucharist by Rev.Fr. Innaiah Govindu, the Parish Priest of Vetapalem. It was a delightful moment to have our Superior General Rev. Sr. Innamma Yeruva, the General councils Rev. Sr. Vijaya and Rev. Sr. Chandra, the Provincials of Indian Provinces Sr. Anthony Mary, Sr. Treasa KVM, Sr. Mukta, Sr. Marykutty and their council along with the sisters representing different communities. It was holy a moment to recall and revere our pioneers, as Rev. Fr. Innaiah offered an inspiring holy Sacrifice.

The Public function began colorfully as the guests were received with March fast by the students of St. Xavier’s school, Ongole to the premises. The JMJ Spoorthi Smaraka was blessed by Rev. Fr. Innaiah Govindu, and Ribbon Cutting and Unveiling was done by Rev. Innamma Yeruva along with dignitaries of the day.

All the dignitaries on the dais expressed their appreciation for the wonderful Masterpiece of work, JMJ Spoorthi Smaraka and requested to extend our services especially in the Health and Education Sectors. Our Superior General rightly quoted in her authoritative and exciting words “Its God Who began this wonderful work, He would see that something great would happen in Vetapalem. She apprised the hard labor that was done by our Dutch Pioneer sisters in India especially at vetapalem and elucidated about the purpose of JMJ Spoorthi Smaraka. She highlighted that it was erected not only as the memory of our pioneers but also dedicated to the benefit of the people of Vetapalem. She expressed her fond desire that this significant place should become a historical legacy not only for the congregation of JMJ but also momentous place in the history of Vetapalem. As for the request of dignitaries’ sister promised that JMJ services would expand for the people of Vetapalem.  At the closing juncture of her stirring speech, Sister expressed her deep sense of gratitude for all the people who were involved in accomplishing this Masterpiece of Work especially to The Ex MLA of Chirala Sri Amanchi Krishna Mohan, Rev.Fr.Innaiah Govindu, Mr. Gregory, Rev.Sr. Anthony Mary the Provincial Superior and council, Sr. Lourdu Mary Penta Reddy, the Architect and the Community of Vetapalem. Rev.Sr. Anthony Mary proposed vote of thanks for the golden event and thereafter the JMJ Family sang the JMJ Anthem with their melodious voices expressing the bond of our union and thus ended the amazing event.