ECO Friendliness & Protection

ECO Friendliness and Protection

This universe, filled with God’s presence and glory (cf. Rom 1:20) with its entire splendour, is the precious gift of God to humanity. As the crown of creation, we are called for ecological fellowship. Love and respect for nature is part and parcel of the ancient Indian, Eastern and Carmelite Spirituality and traditions. We should be able to love nature, and thank and praise God for His presence in nature.
The uncontrollable exploitation of the resources of nature is a sin against the protection of life. We have the responsibility to organize programmes for the preservation of nature, by fighting against the evils such as adulteration of food, global warming and hoarding of food, water pollution etc and thus keep nature green for the good and benefit of humanity.
JMJ had taken up this as  a special call to be the witness of JPIC through the institutions, various programmes, functions, JMJ always try to stand as “green” and promote to be green.


Achampet - JMJ English Medium School

Sanathnagar - St.Theresa’s Girls High School

Peddpendial JMJ College

Gajwel – St.Josep’s High School

Mahabubnagar: JMJ Social service Society

JPIC Activities Hyderabad province