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Welcome to Congregation of Jesus Mary Joseph

JMJ Hyderabad Province

Jesus Mary Joseph is the name of the Congregation. The sisters of this Congregation are called J.M.J sisters, after the name of Jesus Mary Joseph.
The name Jesus Mary Joseph was given by our Founder at the time of founding this Society / Congregation, in the year 1822. According to our Founder, every sister of this Society is called up on to involve themselves in the plan of salvation, to build up the Lord’s world, like that of Jesus Mary Joseph. After the example of Jesus Mary Joseph, the sisters of J.M.J are to carry out, Jesus’ Ministry of liberation, by involving themselves in building up His world.

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Our Ministries

➼ Education Apostolate
➼ Healthcare Apostolate
➼ Social Apostolate
➼ Evangelization Apostolate
➼ Spiritual Apostolate
➼ Pastoral and Evangelization Apostolate
➼ Formation Apostolate
➼ finance Apostolate

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VISION – MISSION (Third Millennium)

➼ We shall commit ourselves to the goals of Christian Education – to form the human person to fullness of life.
➼ We shall witness in our lives and apostolate to the divine, human and universal values.
➼ We shall have a genuine concern for all dimensions of the life of the poorest of the poor.
➼ We shall focus our attention on vocational and job – oriented courses.
➼ We shall reach the remote corners of India where is genuine need and distress.

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Jesus Mary Joseph


Our dear Founder Fr. Mathias Wolff S.J., enamored by the person of Jesus, His vision and mission, planted the Society of JMJ in the Garden of the Church in Holland in the year 1822. The Charism, he designed for the Sisters, “An ever Adaptable Apostolic Availability” was indeed his life pattern in order to have firm solidarity with the world. His spirituality was none other than the spirituality of Christ but practiced in his time. The Charism and Spirituality that have become the heritage of the Sisters of JMJ keep the members ever fresh with inner freedom in seeking and doing the Will of the Father.